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Enter the World of Illicit Fantasy

Since 2015, Illicit Fantasy has been showing artistic work in both individual and collective shows around Atlanta. Pieces by Illicit Fantasy can be found across several galleries and people on a rotating basis throughout the year. Explore the Illicit Fantasy site in order to view all current collections, read behind-the-scenes musings, and find out when the next art piece is being put out. 

The Meaning

In a world where unlocking the mind and reaching it's potential is just a dream, Illicit Fantasy allows one to break out of the worldly, restricting confinement that's engraved in the mind and fully express the dormant power of creativity and individuality in art form. ILLICIT means unlawful, against the norm, or wrong in the eyes of the close-minded. FANTASY is improbable, not possible, or fake in the eyes of the close-minded. Illicit Fantasy represents the potential, creativity, individuality, and bravery that is within every mind and the power to use them to affect the masses and even the world. 

"The mind that perceives the limitation is the limitation"




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